Week one update

Few days ago I've started to work on a game for the Game Off 2021 jam.  I work in my spare time and the my main goal is to finish, deliver working game and to better understand Unreal Engine 4.

I've decided to make a game where You are a bug (insect) that saves other bugs (insects) from trouble.

The progress:

  • I created classes (blueprints) for a player bug, bugs, bug home (the place return saved bug)
  • I've managed to create a logic for:
    • controlling player (flying) 
    • searching for the bugs around with camera view switching when found
    • catching the bug and moving it along with player when catched
    • dropping saved bug to assigned home
    • refactored blueprints to split code (blocks) into functions and moved some logic from player into bug and bug home blueprint.

I think this is quite good progress as for the first week and currently implemented mechanics is giving some fun. 
Still lot to do but I'm having fun with it so hope will be able to deliver al least MVP version.


  • implement basic UI
  • implement game logic (scoring/health/time etc)
  • create first (basic) level

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